Core Aim:
To bring life wherever we go...
by realizing 'Life Giving' initiatives through project development and implementation.
Back ground:
iLive Sustainable Development: was founded in June 2010 as a project development company within the waste-to-energy and bio-energy space. The company was founded in order to leverage the experience and knowledge obtained by the founder of iLive; Werner Euler. The first strides of iLive were there for taking on two development projects of its own, being: 1) biomass pelletization of green waste and 2) biomass diesel manufacturing from used cooking oil. This has provided a tremendous learning, and through these efforts a great deal of experience was obtained. The experience obtained is now empowering iLive on its journey as a future developer for other 'Life Giving' projects outside its current scope or industry field.
Vision of the Future:
Currently iLive is a group of people with more than 20 cumulative years in manufacturing, business development, and renewable energy research. It has an external network providing further specialised capacities in environmental services, carbon consultancy and mitigation strategies, and other business development activities. The future iLive envisage, is to grow its capability to offer this expertise to future internal or external projects in the wider fields of renewable energy, as well as environmental & social sustainability.
iLive envisions four focus areas in which to enable future projects:
A. Business & Social Development Services
B. Sustainable and Renewable Technology Implementation
C. Trading of Renewable Energy CommoditiesD. and Project Funding Support
The term 'Life Giving' is emphasized strongly in the portrayal of iLive and surely stands core to the company's identity. However, what exactly does iLive mean by this term?
In short, it is based on a vision where companies ought to leave a lasting impact and positive legacy on their communities. Our philosophy is to integrate into society, through our projects and partners, in such a manner that when a project stops, or the company disappears, it does not leave the affected community to collapse, but rather see it strive forward due the impartation of knowledge, skills and resources left behind.
We believe that profit should not be the sole motive for starting a project but rather the 'value add' that a project caters to a specific need. For that matter we believe that iLive positions itself well to take on projects with 'higher risks' (when evaluated purely on financial returns), and therefore also geared to be more, flexible, innovative and sustainable.
A fundamental part of the 'legacy' in iLive's philosophy is the decision to reallocate 10% of all profits from projects to the most basic and essential needs within those communities. These typically represent the orphans, elderly, sick, unschooled and homeless in desire need for aid.
Werner Euler
An entrepreneur with a tenacious passion for business development, renewable energy, social justice, his friends, family and faith.
He holds a Master in Science degree, in Energy Sciences (focused on sustainable development, climate change, energy and resources) at one of Europe's leading institutes, namely Utrecht University, in the Netherlands.
Werner holds a total of 8 years in experience within renewable energy technology and business development. He worked 4 years for Sasol Technology as a bioenergy custodian in their New Business Development group. Thereafter he founded iLive Sustainable Development with his initial focus on bioenergy and waste conversion technologies.